PROCEDURAL TEXT: How To Use an ATM Machine

Cara Menggunakan ATM dalam Bahasa Inggris

Langkah-langkah atau teks prosedur cara menggunakan bahasa inggris ATM, sbb:

Withdrawing cash with an ATM Card
1. Prepare your ATM card before you go to the ATM.
2. Go to a nearby ATM station or an ATM centre.
3. Read the directions to insert the ATM card into the ATM machine.
4. Put your card into the slot.
Choose a language, Bahasa Indonesia or English.
5. Enter your personal identification number (PIN).
6. When the choices appear, select “withdrawal from checking.”
Enter the amount that you want to withdraw.
7. Wait for the ATM machine to progress.
8. When your money appears, take it.
9. When the machine asks if you are finished, press “yes.”
10. Take out the receipt.
11. Take your card.
12. Check for your belongings before leaving the ATM.

[Contoh soal teks prosedur inggris, procedural text, procedure text how to transfer with atm, how to use atm, how to transfer money with atm, how to collect money from atm, how to take out money from atm, cara menggunakan atm bahasa inggris, Soal dan pembahasan sma, contoh soal sma kurikulum 2013, soal dan jawaban sma k13]

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